
Can You Drink Espresso While Fasting?

Fasting has become quite the trend in recent years, with various intermittent fasting protocols claiming to help people shed those extra pounds, boost energy levels, and improve overall health. But for coffee lovers, the burning question remains: can you drink espresso while fasting? Well, fasten your seatbelts, dear coffee enthusiasts, as we embark on a caffeinated adventure to unravel the mystery of espresso and fasting.


Espresso and Fasting

A. Fasting 101: The Basics

Before diving into the espresso-fasting conundrum, let’s take a quick detour to the land of fasting. Fasting comes in many shapes and sizes, but the general principle is the same: abstaining from food and caloric beverages for a specific time. Some popular fasting protocols include:

  1. 16/8 Intermittent Fasting: Fast for 16 hours, followed by an 8-hour eating window.
  2. 5:2 Fasting: Eat normally for 5 days, then restrict calorie intake for 2 days.
  3. 24-hour Fasting: Refrain from consuming calories for a full 24 hours.

Now that we’ve covered the fasting basics let’s return to our caffeinated conundrum: can you drink espresso while fasting?

B. The Espresso Lowdown

Espresso, that rich, dark, and highly concentrated coffee, is often considered the “king of coffee” among aficionados. Brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee beans under high pressure, this little shot of heaven serves as the base for countless coffee creations like lattes, cappuccinos, and macchiatos. But is it fasting-friendly?

C. Espresso: Friend or Foe to the Fasting Individual?

The primary concern for those fasting is whether espresso contains enough calories to break the fast. The good news is that a single shot of espresso has only around 5 calories, which is negligible in the grand scheme of things. So, on the surface, it appears that espresso could be your trusty fasting companion.

However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows in the world of espresso and fasting. Consuming espresso on an empty stomach can lead to a few pitfalls. Let’s explore the possible hiccups one might encounter when sipping espresso during a fast.

coffee questions

1. The Acidic Tango

Espresso, like other coffee beverages, is acidic in nature. Drinking it on an empty stomach might cause some people to experience heartburn or an upset stomach. While it’s not exactly a showstopper, it’s essential to listen to your body and determine if you can handle the acidity during a fast.

2. The Hunger Games

Caffeine, the magical stimulant in espresso, can suppress appetite in the short term. But in a cruel twist of fate, it may also increase the hunger hormone, ghrelin, leading to increased appetite later on. So, while espresso might help you feel full initially, you might find yourself in a Hunger Games-style battle with your appetite later.

3. The Jitterbug

Drinking espresso on an empty stomach can lead to increased caffeine absorption, causing some individuals to experience jitters, anxiety, or even heart palpitations. If you’re prone to caffeine sensitivity, it might be wise to proceed with caution when it comes to espresso during a fast.


The Verdict: Can You Drink Espresso While Fasting?

The answer is a resounding…maybe. It largely depends on the individual and their body’s response to espresso. As long as you keep your espresso consumption in moderation and avoid adding sweeteners, milk, or cream, the negligible calorie content shouldn’t break your fast. However, you must consider the potential side effects, such as increased acidity, hunger, and caffeine sensitivity.

If you find that you can tolerate espresso without any adverse effects, then go ahead and enjoy your trusty companion during your fasting journey. For those who struggle with the acidity or caffeine jitters, it might be best to consider alternative options, such as drinking a milder black coffee or opting for herbal teas during your fasting window.

Tips and Tricks for Espresso Lovers During Fasting

If you’re determined to enjoy your espresso while fasting, here are some tips and tricks to minimize potential issues:

  1. Start slow: If you’re new to fasting, gradually ease into espresso consumption to see how your body reacts.
  2. Sip water first: Before indulging in your espresso, drink a glass of water to help counteract the acidity and hydrate your body.
  3. Timing matters: Consume your espresso closer to the end of your fasting window, so you’ll eat soon after, reducing the chances of increased hunger or stomach discomfort.
  4. Dilute it: If you find espresso too strong, try diluting it with hot water to create an Americano, which might be gentler on your stomach.


The great espresso-fasting debate boils down to individual preferences and tolerances. While the minimal calorie content of espresso should not break a fast, potential side effects like acidity, increased hunger, and caffeine sensitivity should be considered. If you can enjoy your espresso without any adverse effects, then by all means, sip away during your fasting journey. Just remember to listen to your body, adjust your intake accordingly, and follow the tips mentioned above to make the most of your espresso experience while fasting.

So, go forth and conquer the fasting world, fellow espresso lovers! Just be sure to tread carefully, embrace the trial-and-error process, and remember that, when it comes to fasting and espresso, one size does not fit all. Happy fasting and sipping!

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